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Marijuana use is becoming increasingly approved in our society, at least for medicinal purposes. Medical marijuana has been made legal in more than 23 states. Even the recreational use of marijuana has been decriminalized in 18 states, and a few states have even made the recreational use of marijuana legal. However, Alabama still takes a hard stance against marijuana possession.

In Alabama, there are two types of drug crimes with respect to marijuana possession. The first is second-degree possession of marijuana for personal use. This is considered to be a Class A misdemeanor. The penalties for this crime include up to 12 months in jail and a fine in the amount of $6,000.

The more serious offense is first-degree possession of marijuana for non-personal use. A person can also be charged with first-degree possession if it is their second or subsequent charge of possessing marijuana for personal use. This is considered to be a Class C felony. The penalties for this crime include anywhere from one to 10 years imprisonment and a fine as much as $15,000.

So, while it may be legal in other states for recreational or medicinal purposes, those in Alabama convicted of marijuana possession can expect to be penalized. While many may not believe it is the “gateway drug” it was once demonized as, it is important to recognize that possession of marijuana in Alabama is illegal, and those convicted of this crime will face time behind bars and hefty fines. Therefore, those charged with possession of marijuana will want to develop a solid defense strategy in order to have the charges against them reduced or dropped entirely.

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