Deciding which divorce process is best for you is a big decision to make once you have decided to divorce. Knowing how to decide between the different options, including mediation or traditional litigation, is beneficial information to have and may result in a decision to mediate your divorce.


There are a variety of different benefits of divorce mediation with which to be familiar. One of the primary benefits of divorce mediation is that it can save the divorcing couple money. It can also save them time, which are two things you are likely to need during the divorce.

The divorce mediation process can also help minimize the stress associated with divorce. Stress and anxiety are not uncommon during the divorce and the mediation process can potentially reduce the amount of stress you experience during your divorce.

This is because divorce mediation focuses on the divorcing couple working together to resolve their concerns, which also gives them greater control over the outcome of their divorce.

Divorce mediation can help you resolve all the divorce concerns a litigated divorce can have, including property division, child support, spousal support and child custody. In addition, because it is more private than divorce litigation, it can be better for the couple and their children.

The divorce mediation process allows you to create solutions that are best for you and also provides a framework moving forward for you and your former spouse to resolve concerns that come up after the divorce. For that reason, you should understand how divorce mediation works and what it has to offer when deciding on a divorce process.

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