Many schools and communities across the country have been posting and printing the phrase “#BeKind” on various media. Schools have also otherwise been communicating this message both to their students and to the broader public.

The phrase is actually part of a broader grassroots movement mean to stop bullying and other aggressive behaviors among children and teens attending school. The founder of the movement suggest that, at some point in their lives, about 70 percent of all children are on the receiving end of bullying behavior.

Unfortunately, bullying is not always just something that children forget about as they get older. Victims of bullying tend to drop out of school at higher rates and also are more prone to suffering from addictions and depression. Sadly, bullying victims also tend to be more likely to commit suicide.

On the other hand, in an environment that is free from bullying, people enjoy better mental and even physical health, and this leads to a better learning atmosphere overall.

The movement aims to show people, especially students, what kindness looks like in practice. After all, telling someone to be nice is a pretty general statement. The #BeKind movement emphasizes putting good character traits, like courage and honesty, in to practice on a daily basis.

The hope of the movement is to build a school atmosphere where being kind is the norm, and bullying is the aberration, even a sign of weakness.

While certainly the #BeKind movement is a positive step, it is not going to end bullying in Mobile, Alabama, schools overnight. As a result, a victim of bullying or his or her parents may need professional legal assistance.

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