There are many concerns parents here in Alabama may have at the start of a new school year. This includes concerns about the possibility of their child facing bullying. Unfortunately, bullying is something a fair number of U.S. students end up experiencing. National data points to 28 percent of students in grades 6 to 12 being bullied.

This may leave many parents wondering: What can I do if my child is getting bullied at school? Today, we’ll go over some of the steps parents can take to help their kids when bullying raises its head.

For one, it can be important for parents to be supportive of their kids following such incidents. This includes listening to them, being empathetic, taking steps to make sure they know they are loved and providing them with tools for responding to the situation in a healthy and productive way.

Also, it can prove helpful for parents to discuss the situation with staff at their child’s school and work with the school to try to resolve the problem. When doing this, it can be important to stay focused on finding a solution that will meet the child’s needs.

What if, after a parent discusses a bullying incident with school staff, the school fails to take adequate steps to address the situation and prevent further bullying? In some situations, legal action may be able to help.

Skilled attorneys can help parents who are worried about bullying their child has been subjected to with guidance on options for protecting their kid.

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